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0 comments, 67 members, 336 views, 0 likes
Location: AsiaA group composed of Food & Beverage Directors and Managers from across Asia that provides a platform to network, exchange ideas, knowledge, different cultural experiences and professional... More »
0 comments, 57 Pastry Chefs , 449 views, 0 likes
Location: AsiaA group for Executive Pastry Chefs and Pastry Chefs in Asia, for networking, sharing of ideas, cultural experiences, and professional contacts More »
0 comments, 350 members, 853 views, 11 likes
A group composed of mixologists, beverage and bar managers from Asia Pacific. The objective is to build camaraderie among peers, build an active and vibrant community, share knowledge and expertise. We aim to have member... More »
0 comments, 20 members, 2,372 views, 2 likes
Location: Hong KongThe Hyatt Group Asia Pacific is a group composed of decision makers and influencers of the different Hyatt properties in Asia Pacific. The Group was formed in order to update all rele... More »
0 comments, 59 Sommeliers, 277 views, 2 likes
A group composed of sommeliers from Asia. The aim is to network, share experiences, know how and professional contacts. More »
0 comments, 164 members, 915 views, 1 like
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaA group composed of Executive Chefs in Asia that provides a forum to network, exchange ideas, knowledge, different cultural experiences and professional contacts. More »